Our Story

For more than seven years, I have been travelling to Bali to source unique pieces for my retail store Coastal Vintage and in more recent years for my wholesale store Coast Imports.

It has taken many years to find those little gems and build strong relationships with suppliers during this time.

The wonderful thing about Bali is with each trip, I discover the latest designs in interiors and source unique pieces both old and new to ship back to Australia. Along the way, I have gained much experience and knowledge about products and made invaluable contacts with suppliers who also give me feedback on new emerging areas to source from in Bali. Each of my trips generally take days and sometimes weeks to source products to fill a container.

sally standing on a wooden platform amongst trees

The trip will introduce you to suppliers and help you navigate your way around Bali. Whether you’re coming along to be inspired or an introduction into sourcing, this tour will provide you with both.

We will dine at some of the best cafes and restaurants, spend a morning or afternoon at my favourite spa and chill out at one of my favourite clubs.

We will also visit my top picks in homeware stores that provide incredible inspiration of the latest designs and also artisans of some beautiful decor pieces, and we will also visit some of the best warehouses where we will hopefully find those hidden gems.

Whether you just want to come to be inspired or if you wish to learn the in’s & outs of sourcing, and how to ship a container home.

Nothing excites me more than finding all those beautiful things that you love! 
